For my final Emergent Technology I decided to use For my project I recorded myself on Mac's iMovie feature. This program allows the user to record them-self making a video. Once I was done recording my movie it converted into a useable movie file.
Once my file I was converted I was able to upload the file to Youtube's uploading of my movie took more time than I anticipated. My movie file was quite small so I wasn't sure why it was taking as long as it was.
I never have used Youtube but since my personal email account is through Google it allowed me to use the same information for my account which was nice!
Once the movie downloaded I was able to change the settings of the video. I made my video private so only viewers I select can view the video.
For the project I decided to read the book "Fancy Nancy at the Museum" by Jane O'Connor and pictures based on the art of Robin Preiss Glasser. This book is a Beginning 1 Reader for students. A beginning reader has short sentences, familiar words, and simple concepts for children eager to read on their own!
For this project I decided to incorporate a Literature Circle. A Literature Circle allows students to choose their own reading material and work with a group. The students discuss the book and they have their own discussions. A Literature Circle has eight different roles. These roles allow each student to play a part in the discussion. The eight roles are below:
1. Discussion Director - facilities flow of discussion
2. Literary Luminary - selects part of the text to read that are interesting, powerful, or funny
3. Illustrator - draws some kind of picture that represents the reading
4. Connector - finds connection between the book and life
5. Summarizer - prepares a brief summary of the reading
6. Vocabulary Enricher - identifies important words that are puzzling or unfamiliar
7. Travel Tracer - traces the scenes as they change in the book
8. Investigator - digs up background information about the book or author
I also read the book and let the reader know which page we were on. This could be used for beginning readers to follow along if the book was being played as a video on their computer. By knowing the page number they can follow along.
At the end of the story I go over the different roles of the Literary Circles and give brief ideas on what the students could use for their circles.
Students also could use a Literary Circle and post it on They could read the book and go over the different roles they had for the book. This could be useful for other students or for teachers to utilize in their own classroom.