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Sunday, September 14, 2008
Creating a Blog!
This has been my first experience with Blogs! I know several of my friends have Blogs but unfortunately I have never visited their pages. I have always used the Facebook application as a way to stay connected with my friends and family (well - my sister, sister-in-law, brother-in-law and cousins!) I have always enjoyed Facebook as it allows me to update my profile, add new pictures, and comment on my friends pages.
Blogging was a new experience but it is very similar to Facebook. Creating my blog was easy for me however uploading pictures proved to be quite the task. It would not allow me to upload some photos that other sites have allowed me to upload. I received an error messaging while uploading but it never indicated what the problem was but I found other pictures to add!
Blogging seems like a fun new way to communicate with others and I can see how it could be very beneficial in the classroom. I am looking forward to using my page for the semester.
I unfortunately do not have any tip for my fellow classmates but as you mentioned on the Module - make your page fun. This is YOUR page to personalize so add photos, update your about me section, and make it a reflection of your life. I have never been good at scrapbooking so I look forward to creating my virtual scrapbook.
Getting to Know Me
Hi, my name is Courtney and Welcome to my Blog!
I am 25 years old and I am attending IUPUI to obtain my second Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. I received my first Bachelor's degree from Indiana State University in Terre Haute, Indiana. At ISU, I studied Textiles and Marketing. I was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority and I was the Pi Kappa Alpha Dreamgirl as well. While at ISU I met my husband and made some of my very best friends!
During my sophomore year at ISU, I knew I wanted to become a teacher. My grandma who passed away from breast cancer was a 2nd grade teacher and during that year I felt my calling to go into Education. However, I was established in my major and at the time I was ready to graduate and move on with my life. I graduated from ISU in 2005 and married my husband Adam on May 20, 2006.
I worked for a Non-for-profit company as an event planner the past two years. The job required monthly travel which I enjoyed but I was not happy with my profession. After much given thought I decided it was time to follow my dream and I enrolled at IUPUI.
While I have enjoyed being in school it has not been easy. I have been out of school for three years and writing papers, studying, and taking tests has been some what of a challenge for me. I feel so much older than all the students and my 19 year old sister's best friend is in one of my classes - I now felt really old! However, I keep telling myself that it will all be worth it when I am in my own classroom.
Besides school, I enjoy spending time with my husband and our dog. I also enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy traveling, waterskiing, snowskiing, wakeboarding, golfing, and shopping.
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