Monday, October 20, 2008



For Part One of Emerging Technologies I explored "Podcasting!" This was the first time I even used a Podcast -  I know, I know they are available to me online but I never got around to listening to one. 

This project was very frustrating for me. I operate on a MAC so I had some trouble finding the recording software - I could make movies, edit movies, the whole gamut but recording just me talking was difficult. After going through several MAC tutorials as well as the helpful postings from our instructor and fellow students I had an understanding on how to do this assignment yet no way to record. I finally was able to download a free trial of Record Pad that allowed me to utilize my built-in microphone.

I then had trouble saving the podcasting and loading my podcast onto Oncourse took me over an hour! After being a "PC girl" my whole life my husband bought into the whole MAC hype and convinced me that we needed one! I was okay with this because we still had our new laptop - well the HP laptop crashed so I have been forced to learn this operating system. I will be purchasing a PC this week - this project solidified how much i hate my MAC.

As for my Podcast I decided to read "Thank you, Mr. Falker" by Patricia Polacco. I was introduced to this book in Jane Leeth's summer reading course. I fell in love with this  book so it seemed like a natural choice to read this book. It was a loooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg book so excuse my rushing through it and ignore my tiny dog little barks - I kept trying to  hush her!

I know I look forward to hearing everyone's podcasts!

Have a great evening!


Sunday, October 5, 2008