Sunday, November 9, 2008

2nd Emergent Technology

My experience with the 2nd Emergent Technology Program. I chose from the WIKI Scrapblog a free online scrap booking experience. I chose to use the preloaded templates (their were almost over a 100 different templates) and I chose to do a "Vacation Themed" scrapbook.
The only problem I encountered was uploading my pictures was very time consuming! However, once my photos uploaded I was able to begin my project. The photos layed very nicely into the templates and I enjoyed changing their sizes and positions within the page.
This technology was very beneficial for those of us who are craft challenged and who desire to have a scrapbook but know the end result will be messy! Since I made my Vacation scrapbook I made a Wedding, Pet, Friends, Family, and our House. These scrapbooks were very easy to share with the sharing feature. I was able to email the link to friends and family.
I was disappointed to find out when I tried to link it to my blog it would not load. I was able to use the above viewer option. I noticed on several other pages I was unable to view their scrapblogs however their tips and suggestions were very helpful! I always enjoy reading about other people's experiences while using new technology.
I would recommend Scrapblog to anyone - it's user friendly and your possibilities are endless!

2nd Emergent Technology